Restore prosperity and functioning government with national commissions for economic access and for government effectiveness, and with key electoral reforms.
With the challenges of inflation and the pandemic, we must act quickly for reforms that will rebuild broad prosperity and ensure government effectiveness. But today, paid special interest groups exploit distortions in our electoral system to exercise power for themselves by amplifying extremism and deadlocking government.
Our Collective Actions. Regardless of our party affiliations, we all as American citizens have a responsibility to work together. We must do this for the good of the nation, under the federal government as intended by the Constitution, in accordance with our national first principles.
1. We must create bipartisan commissions of proven leaders to design and oversee national policies to restore our prosperity and government function amid the reality of modern party politics. Among these, commissions on economic access, government efficiency and regulation, and government finance and taxes are most essential to put our national ideals to action in support of economic recovery.
2. We must reform our distorted electoral practices to break the stranglehold of polarization, allowing government to function well. This requires an Electoral Reform Act establishing balanced and party-blind redistricting, weekend elections, and open primaries, and it must also reform Senate filibuster practices. These reforms will remove the advantage that partisan extremists have in winning elections, which will prevent obstructionism and deadlock. They will make elections and government about the public interest, and not about partisan interest for one side or the other.
3. We must reform our electoral financing in accordance with our principles of accountable speech. This requires an amendment or equivalent Constitutional authority for Congress to regulate political speech by corporations and associations, including super PACs. Then an Electoral Reform Act can also eliminate super PACs and campaign contributions by lobbyists and government contractors, and tighten and enforce contribution limits and rules on disclosure.