We are dedicated to what
we term PrincipleD POWER:


Coronavirus shutdowns damaged the economy, and now war in Ukraine and global logistics issues have created supply shortages and high inflation, putting major stress on the middle and working classes. To recover a functioning economy, we need a massive and coordinated national response, training workers where necessary, and matching them to critical jobs. Yet coordinated national response is impossible with our partisan standoff in government—we remain polarized and deadlocked when we need rapid action. To break our deadlock and recover economically, we need immediate reforms for adaptable government and full economic access.

At Principled Power we believe that most people want the same things. We want decent jobs that provide a nice place to live near good schools, and we want a say in our public issues. In short, we want opportunity and democracy. For some, these things are plenty by themselves—the perfect life—and for others these things can be a launching pad for something bigger, for ourselves or our kids. Either way, these are common needs, and almost everyone is willing to work for them.

Yet today, instead of opportunity and democracy we have a damaged economy, and we are polarized in politics and deadlocked in government. As long as this persists, we will decline—unable to adapt to a changing world, much less lead it.

Whatever our personal politics are, it is in all Americans’ interest to have a national system that functions, placing citizens before special interests and providing the leadership to meet our needs for opportunity and democracy in the long term.

How do we do it?

Principled Power believes we need to return to our first principles of government, and what they tell us about building the nation.

Explore our site to learn more about this problem, the solution, and how to take action